Oregon Court of Appeals - Nursing License Violations

Do you need to consult with an attorney regarding your nursing license or other professional licensing matter? Call (503) 232-9280 to schedule a free consultation with a nurses attorney.

If you find that your nursing license is in jeopardy, and you also believe that the disciplinary sanctions imposed by the Oregon State Board of Nursing (OSBN) are not fair, you have a right to bring your case to the Oregon Court of Appeals.

It’s worth your time, money, and emotional cost to pursue justice through the Oregon Court of Appeals? That depends completely on you and your particular situation, but we’re here for you to discuss all of your options during your free consult.

With most of the nurse clients that we work with, we are usually brought in at an earlier stage of the nursing license defense process – ideally as soon as a nurse gets the first notice from the OSBN. By providing a vigorous defense throughout the investigation and by aggressively negotiating for more lenient disciplinary sanctions, we’re generally able to reach a fair settlement that precludes the need for any appeal.

However, each person and each case is unique.  We’ll work closely with you throughout the license defense process to reach the very best results for you.

For information about appealing disciplinary sanctions to the Oregon Court of Appeals, or in order to schedule your free consultation with Kevin Keaney, call us at (503) 232-9280, or e-mail

Please Note: Nurses attorney Kevin Keaney helps nurses in Texas, Oregon, and Washington defend their licenses.   Kevin Keaney is a  member of The American Association for Nurse Attorneys (TAANA).