Nursing License Defense

Do you need to consult with an attorney regarding your nursing license or other professional licensing matter? Call (503) 232-9280 to schedule a free consultation with a nurses attorney.

Your nurse’s license is your livelihood. You worked hard to get it, and you definitely have the right to defend it!

Most nurses who are faced with an allegation and the prospect of an investigation and disciplinary action, do not necessarily think to hire an attorney to represent them. Trying to handle it on your own, however, can be quite a serious mistake, potentially leading to long-term damage to your nursing career.

At Kevin Keaney, P.C., we have strong experience representing nurses throughout all phases of their nursing license defense process.  We can help you navigate the process and understand how various charges can impact your nursing license.

Allegations Against A Nurse
Anyone can report anything to the Oregon State Board of Nursing (OSBN). A complaint against you, as a nurse, can come from an employer, a co-worker, a patient, or patient’s family. By statute, all reports to the Oregon State Board of Nursing are anonymous, which can be disconcerting. And the allegations against you might or might not be true. If they are not true, you will want to do everything in your power to keep your record and reputation clean. Even if the allegations have some truth to them, mistakes happen, and you deserve the strongest defense to help mitigate the damage to your nursing career.

Investigation Of A Nurse
Once an allegation has been made against you, one of the OSBN’s eleven staff investigators will be assigned to your case. Usually, the nurse investigator will interview you by phone or in-person in Portland. You don’t need to go through this alone! We can provide legal counsel, as well as moral support.

Settlement Of Disciplinary Sanctions
Depending on the allegation and the findings of the nurse investigator, your case could end in a settlement such as:
• dismissal of the complaint
letter of concern
letter of reprimand
probation, which is monitored by the nursing board
nursing license suspended
nursing license revoked

Our goal, as your attorney and legal team, is to either eliminate any type of discipline or keep the discipline at a minimum. We accomplish this by negotiating with the nurse investigator and Board or its attorney, something we are highly experienced at doing.

Formal Administrative Hearing For A Nurse
If we can not help you reach a fair settlement with the nursing investigator, your case will proceed on to a formal administrative hearing, in which an administrative law judge hears the case. The judge gives a proposed decision to the Oregon State Board of Nursing, which then accepts or rejects the recommendation and issues a final order.

Oregon Court Of Appeals
If you aren’t satisfied with the final order of the Oregon State Board of Nursing, you still have another chance to present your case, at the Oregon Court of Appeals.

Throughout these legal proceedings related to your nursing license, in most cases, you’ll still be able to practice as a nurse, without restrictions, until the final resolution.

The notable exception to this, however, is if the Oregon State Board of Nursing has presented you with an “emergency suspension order” or you’ve signed an “interim consent order.” If you find yourself in this situation, please contact us immediately to learn about your legal rights as a nurse.

No matter what your situation or legal concern, we will be prepared to talk to you during your free legal consultation. For more information on our nursing license defense services or any other legal mater, please call us at (503) 232-9280, or e-mail

Nurses attorney Kevin Keaney helps nurses in Texas, Oregon, and Washington defend their licenses.